CS 4104: Data and Algorithm Analysis (Fall 2024)


Time and Location: M W F (10:10 AM - 11:00 AM) @ NCB 250

Instructor: Dr. Thang Hoang (@thanghoang)

  • Office Hours: Mon @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Location: Gilbert Place 4304

Teaching Assistants:

Changqi Sun (@changqi) Hoang-Dung (Thomas) Nguyen (@nhd)
Office Hours Fri @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Tue @ 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location TBD TBD


Aug 21
Course webpage is up


Homework Assignment

Course Schedule

The schedule may be subject to change as the course proceeds.
# Date Topic Notes
1 Aug 26 (M) Getting Started - Algorithms Solve Problems CLRS Chapter 2
Aug 28 (W)
Aug 30 (F)
2 Sep 02 (M) Labor Day (no class)
Sep 04 (W)
Sep 06 (F)
3 Sep 09 (M)
Sep 11 (W)
Sep 13 (F)
4 Sep 16 (M)
Sep 18 (W)
Sep 20 (F)
5 Sep 23 (M)
Sep 25 (W)
Sep 27 (F)
6 Sep 30 (M)
Oct 02 (W)
Oct 04 (F)
7 Oct 07 (M)
Oct 09 (W)
Oct 11 (F) Fall break (no class)
8 Oct 14 (M)
Oct 16 (W)
Oct 18 (F)
9 Oct 21 (M)
Oct 23 (W)
Oct 25 (F)
10 Oct 28 (M) Midterm (no class)
Midterm due @ 5:00PM!
Oct 30 (W)
Nov 01 (F)
11 Nov 04 (M)
Nov 06 (W)
Nov 08 (F)
12 Nov 11 (M)
Nov 13 (W)
Nov 15 (F)
13 Nov 18 (M)
Nov 20 (W)
Nov 22 (F)
14 Nov 25 (M) Thanksgiving (no class)
Nov 27 (W) Thanksgiving (no class)
Nov 29 (F) Thanksgiving (no class)
15 Dec 02 (M)
Dec 04 (W)
Dec 06 (F)
16 Dec 09 (M)
Dec 11 (W)


Grading Policy

Homework assignments 50%
Midterm 20%
Final exam 30%
Total 100%

Grading Scale

A(≥93)   A-(<93 - 90)   B+(<90 - 87)   B(<87 - 83)   B-(<83 - 80)   C+(<80 - 77)   C(<77 - 73)   C-(<73 - 70)   D+(<70 - 67)   D(<67 - 63)   D-(<63 - 60)   F(<60)

Grading will not be curved!
Late submission is NOT allowed unless emergency situation (require doctor's note or police report).

Code of Conduct

This course strictly follows the VT code of conduct.