Thang Hoang

Thang Hoang

Assistant Professor


I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science @ Virginia Tech and a CCI Researcher. Prior to joining VT, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow @ Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) hosted by Prof. Elaine Shi and a Research Associate @ University of South Florida (USF) hosted by Prof. Attila A. Yavuz. I received my PhD degree from USF in August 2020.

My research spans the domains of cybersecurity and applied cryptography. I am interested in privacy, secure and verifiable computation, zero-knowledge proof, fuzzy cryptography, and trustworthy machine learning.


  • Applied Cryptograhy
  • Security and Privacy
  • Biometrics


  • PhD in Computer Science, 2020

    University of South Florida

  • MS in Computer Science, 2014

    Chonnam National University

  • BS in Computer Science, 2010

    University of Science, VNU-HCMC

Recent News

Jul 15, 2024
Got an NSF SaTC CORE MEDIUM Grant for the project on distributed network security. Thanks for your support!
Jun 25, 2024
Paper on attacking heterogeneous federated learning conditionally accepted to RAID 2024. This work is part of Atharva’s MS thesis, which he just successfully defended. Congrats Atharva! (Updated 07/16/24: status changed to accepted)
Jun 19, 2024
Paper on zero-knowledge machine learning accepted to IEEE TDSC. Congrats Haodi!
May 06, 2024
Paper on encrypted search accepted to USENIX Security 2024. Congrats Tung!
May 01, 2024
Paper on privacy-preserving machine learning with lightweight secure hardware accepted to PETS 2024.


underlined are my advisees during the project lifespan
Breaking Privacy in Model-Heterogeneous Federated Learning

International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID) 2024

An Efficient and Zero-Knowledge Classical Machine Learning Inference Pipeline

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) 2024

MUSES: Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encrypted Database

USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) 2024


Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning with Lightweight Trusted Hardware

Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2024

Exploiting Update Leakage in Searchable Symmetric Encryption

ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY) 2024

PDF Code Slides DOI

VTBC: Privatizing the Volume and Timing of Transactions for Blockchain Applications

International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2023


ezDPS: An Efficient and Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning Inference Pipeline

Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2023

PDF Code Slides DOI

Efficient Dynamic Proof of Retrievability for Cold Storage

Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2023

PDF Code Slides DOI

AVET: A Novel Transform Function to Improve Cancellable Biometrics Security

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security  2022


Harpocrates: Privacy-Preserving and Immutable Audit Log for Sensitive Data Operations

IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (IEEE TPS) 2022


Polynomial Commitment with a One-to-Many Prover and Applications

USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) 2022

PDF Code Slides

A Metadata-Hiding File-Sharing System with Malicious Security

Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2022


MOSE: Practical Multi-User Oblivious Storage via Secure Enclaves

ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY) 2020

PDF Slides DOI

MACAO: A Maliciously-Secure and Client-Efficient Active ORAM Framework

Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2020

PDF Code Slides Video DOI

A Multi-server ORAM Framework with Constant Client Bandwidth Blowup

ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  2020


Hardware-Supported ORAM in Effect: Practical Oblivious Search and Update on Very Large Dataset

Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2019

PDF Code Slides DOI


Postdoctoral Scholar
08.20 – 12.20
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburg, PA
Research Assistant & Associate
01.19 – 12.20
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
Security Research Intern
06.16 – 08.16 || 06.18 – 08.18
Robert Bosch RTC
Pittsburgh, PA
Graduate Research Assistant
09.15 – 12.18
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
09.14 – 08.15
Saigon Technology University
Saigon, Vietnam
Research Scientist
03.14 – 09.14
RedOne Technologies
Gwangju, S. Korea


I am teaching the following course at VT
Past courses
  • CS 5594: Blockchain Technologies (Spring 2021, Spring 2023, Spring 2024)
  • CS 4104: Data and Algorithm Analysis (Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
  • CS 4274: Secure Computing Capstone (Spring 2022)


I am fortunate to work with the following talented students

PhD students

  • Tung Le | Fall 2021 - current
  • Arman Riasi | Fall 2022 - current
  • Hoang Dung Nguyen | Spring 2023 - current
  • Changqi Sun | Fall 2023 - current
  • Edmund Amanor | Fall 2023 - current
  • Munshi Ala Muid | Fall 2023 - current | co-advise w/ Tijay Chung

Visiting students

  • Haodi Wang | Spring 2021 - current, PhD student, Beijing Normal University


  • Atharva Haldankar , MS (2024)
  • Thesis: Breaking Privacy in Model-Heterogeneous Federated Learning
    Current Position: Software Engineer @ Capital One
  • Jacob Haltiwanger, MS (2024)
  • Thesis: Exploiting Update Leakage in Searchable Symmetric Encryption
    Current Position: (confidential, non-disclosable)
  • Trevor Miller, MS (2023)
  • Thesis: Privatizing the Volume and Timing of Transactions for Blockchain Applications
  • Mohit Bhasi, MS (2022)
  • Thesis: Privacy-Preserving and Immutable Audit Log for Sensitive Data Operations
    Current Position: Software Engineer @ Robinhood
    I am involved with the following events


    Organzing Committee
    IEEE S&P (Student Travel Grant Chair)
    Program Committee


    Organzing Committee
    IEEE S&P (Short-Talks Chair)
    Program Committee
    PETS, Inscrypt, IEEE MASS (S&P track), ACSAC
